Lemak dari makanan memiliki efek beragam pada kesehatan manusia berdasarkan pada jumlah dan jenis yang dikonsumsi. Lemak dari makanan juga dapat mempengaruhi sel-sel, jaringan, dan organ tertentu tergantung pada tahap perkembangan mereka. Komposisi asam lemak dari jaringan manusia dan organ dapat bervariasi tergantung pada jenis asam lemak dalam makanan yang dikonsumsi, dan komposisi ini telah digunakan sebagai biomarker untuk korelasi dengan imunitas dan risiko penyakit.
Selain itu, beberapa asam lemak makanan dapat diubah menjadi mediator biologis yang dapat memulai atau mengubah berbagai proses dalam tubuh. Misalnya, asam linoleat, sebuah komponen umum dari beberapa minyak nabati, dapat diubah oleh sejumlah jenis sel yang berbeda ke dalam asam arakidonat, prekursor utama untuk imunomodulator agen prostaglandin E2(PGE2). Memang, tingkat fisiologis PGE2 dapat berubah tergantung pada ketersediaan asam lemak prekursor nya. Karena PGE2 telah dikaitkan dengan perubahan dalam sistem kekebalan tubuh dan proses patologis yang spesifik, ada kemungkinan bahwa asupan lemak dari makanan berperan dalam penyakit manusia.
Asam lemak tertentu, terutama mereka dari golongan n-3, tampaknya mengurangi secara selektif beberapa, tapi tidak semua fungsi limfosit, neutrofil, dan makrofag. Umumnya, minyak ikan yang mengandung asam lemak n-3 menghambat banyak respon seperti proinflamasi produksi sitokin . Asam lemak yang paling banyak ditemukan dalam minyak ikan-EPA dan DHA-dapat menghambat neutrofil dan fungsi monosit,
tapi itu mungkin tergantung pada tingkat suplementasi vitamin E yang ditambahkan. bahkan ketika fungsi limfosit yang sama atau profil sitokin dinilai setelah manipulasi diet lemak, hasil yang berbeda telah
dilaporkan oleh peneliti yang berbeda.
Meskipun sejumlah besar studi hewan telah menunjukkan efek nyata dari diet lemak pada kekebalan, studi ini mungkin tidak secara langsung sebanding dengan yang manusia karena tingginya tingkat dari sumber lemak tunggal yang sering digunakan. Selain itu, berbagai faktor mungkin bertanggung jawab untuk perbedaan ekstensif dilaporkan dalam studi manusia, seperti jumlah dan jenis lemak, komposisi asam lemak, status antioksidan, durasi manipulasi diet, metode pengujian yang digunakan, dan subjek yang berpartisipasi. Namun demikian, penurunan konsumsi lemak dan peningkatan asam lemak n-3mungkin merupakan saran diet bijaksana karena tidak ada efek merugikan telah dilaporkan sehubungan dengan kekebalan dan, dalam beberapa kasus, efek menguntungkan potensial mungkin bertambah.
Sabtu, 01 Desember 2012
Life is beautiful
Until recently i never regret that i have hypersensitive body. But when i became unhealthy so often like nowadays, of course i do regret and feel sad. I am just an ordinary human.
I am always wondering why God give me such body. But immediately i always find the answer, "Oh because your mom and dad, both of them also have hypersensitive body. You are their daughter, of course you too will have the same pattern in your body system."
I'm allergic to this, I'm allergic to that. I can't even say anymore that I enjoy my life to the fullest.
I have so many strict rules to keep my body healthy and when i break that rules just once, then BAM. There will be some unwanted reaction from my body, I'll become sick.
Its really hard for me just to keep healthy and fit. So when I see someone who easily break the rules (have bad lifestyle) and they can keep healthy. It really break my hearts and think that this life is really not fair.
When I do this, it will look like that I blame God for everything. Yeah, maybe I do.
"Why me, Why?" This question always in my mind. But just asking this and waiting for some miracle to happen, it will not give any solution for me.
Even though nowadays, I can't even eat most of my favorite foods and drinks anymore. Its fine by me. I've lived for 21 years and enjoy this life to the fullest. I felt satisfied, I guess.
I'm just trying to convince myself to love and receive me myself. I'm sorry God that sometimes I blame you for my condition. Please forgive me. Just don't ever leave me alone and help me to convince myself that what happened is the best for me. And thank you God for granted my other wish. You will always fulfill my wish. Thank you God. I love you
I am always wondering why God give me such body. But immediately i always find the answer, "Oh because your mom and dad, both of them also have hypersensitive body. You are their daughter, of course you too will have the same pattern in your body system."
I'm allergic to this, I'm allergic to that. I can't even say anymore that I enjoy my life to the fullest.
I have so many strict rules to keep my body healthy and when i break that rules just once, then BAM. There will be some unwanted reaction from my body, I'll become sick.
Its really hard for me just to keep healthy and fit. So when I see someone who easily break the rules (have bad lifestyle) and they can keep healthy. It really break my hearts and think that this life is really not fair.
When I do this, it will look like that I blame God for everything. Yeah, maybe I do.
"Why me, Why?" This question always in my mind. But just asking this and waiting for some miracle to happen, it will not give any solution for me.
Even though nowadays, I can't even eat most of my favorite foods and drinks anymore. Its fine by me. I've lived for 21 years and enjoy this life to the fullest. I felt satisfied, I guess.
I'm just trying to convince myself to love and receive me myself. I'm sorry God that sometimes I blame you for my condition. Please forgive me. Just don't ever leave me alone and help me to convince myself that what happened is the best for me. And thank you God for granted my other wish. You will always fulfill my wish. Thank you God. I love you
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